Click on the cards to see examples of related category:
Personal Website
Project 1
“The goal is for us to have fullname.com accessible by anyone to visit. This website will serve as a platform to highlight our skills, showcase our portfolio, and provide a way for potential employers or clients to contact us."
Address Book
Project 2
"The app will be used to efficiently manage our contacts. The goal is to create a user-friendly and organized platform where we can store and access contact information. This kind of app can alo be called as CRM (Customer Relationship Management). "
Study or Productivity Tool
Project 3
"The goal of this project is to develop a study or productivity tool, akin to Todoist or Trello. The tool should help users manage tasks, set reminders, and increase productivity."
Encyclopedia or Information API
Project 4
“Let's create an Encyclopedia or Information API, which serverd as a REST API. This API is simple resource of facts and information, accessible to developers for their applications."
Simple Ecommerce
Project 5
"This project will challenge you to apply the skills you've learned so far, including front-end web development, back-end server handling, database management, and understanding of secure payment systems. "
Study or Productivity Tool
Project 6
"The goal of this project is to develop a study or productivity tool, akin to Todoist or Trello. The tool should help users manage tasks, set reminders, and increase productivity."